You can have a BIG impact on your community.
85% of our alumni say Big Bothers Big Sisters has changed their life. So, what are you waiting for? With your help we can close the mentorship gap and empower youth to reach their full potential.
Our evidence-based model creates educational success, greater confidence, and stronger relationships, and matches between Bigs and Littles can empower entire communities.
Mentorship sounds huge, but the truth is...IT TAKES LITTLE TO BE BIG.
3 Easy Ways to Apply
Call us at (207) 729-7736

Being a Big Brother or Big Sister is one of the most enjoyable things you’ll ever do. Not to mention, one of the most fulfilling. You have the opportunity to help shape a child’s future for the better by empowering him or her to achieve. And the best part is, it’s a lot of fun.

You and your “Little” can share the kinds of activities you already like to do. Play sports together. Go on a hike. Read books. Eat a pizza with extra anchovies. Or just give some advice and inspiration.

Whatever it is you enjoy, odds are you’ll enjoy it even more with your “Little”—and you’ll be making a life-changing impact. Volunteering just a few hours a month with a child can start something amazing.
Mentoring helps children have higher aspirations, greater confidence, better relationships, and educational success.
94% of surveyed alumni Little Brothers & Sisters said that they have a lot or some confidence they will achieve their goals.
65% agree that their Big helped them reach a higher level of education than they thought possible.
90% said the relationship with their Big helped them make better choices throughout their childhood.
90% of former Littles agreed that their Big made them feel better about themselves.

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Bath/Brunswick worsk throughout our community in a variety of settings to serve young people ages 6-young adulthood. Of the youth we serve, the majority are growing up in single family households; nearly half live in poverty; and nearly all are eligible for free or reduced school lunch.
But those numbers don’t define who these kids are. The promise of their potential is determined by the resources, opportunities, and positive relationships available to them.
And we believe that every child can benefit from a mentor regardless of their background. We see it every single day: when you bring a positive relationship and the right mentor into a young person’s life, no matter what their background is or where they live, young people have the ability to succeed and to overcome barriers and challenges.
Do I Need Special Skills?
No! The only true requirement for becoming a part of Big Brothers Big Sisters’ community is a belief in the innate potential and power of young people to change their lives and communities.
That’s it. That’s all it takes.
What's The Time Commitment?

What Support Will I Get?
Each Big receives a match support program manager who will provide orientation to the program, ongoing training and resources, and is available to answer questions or just to chat.
We've got your back.
Community-Based Bigs
You and your Little meet when and where it's convenient for both of you. Movies, crafts, hiking, or just hanging out – it's up to you and your Little!
• No special skills required!
• 18+ years old
• 1–year commitment (but we hope it lasts longer!)
• 2–4 times per month with your Little
• A car so you can drive your Little as needed
School/Site-Based Bigs
You and your Little meet at the same time and place each week. You might share a lunch hour, play checkers, work on a project, or just have good conversation!
• No special skills required!
• High school students and adults
• 1–year commitment
• Approximately 1 hour per week with your Little
• Ability to travel to school settings
1. Complete an application.
2. Participate in an interview with our professional staff.
3. Participate in an Orientation and Pre-Match Training with our professional staff.
We will discuss your interests, background, and preferences to help find a great match with a child. Once the application is processed, and a background check is completed, staff provides a training session and resource manual and works with each volunteer to determine the best possible one-to-one match with a child.